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Tribute to Karel Dusek

Karel Dusek

Our friend and colleague Karel Dušek passed away last Friday October 30th 2020. This page is to give tribute to his memory collecting words from his friends at the European Centre for Nanostructured Polymer that he cofounded in 2006. Karel received his M.Sc. degree from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague in 1953 and his Ph.D. from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czechoslovak of the Academy of Sciences in 1958. Before he joined the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1965, he worked for the Research Institute of Synthetic Resins and Lacquers in Pardubice (now SYNPO, Inc.). He was a pioneer scientist in polymer gels and networks as his main research interest were focused on the synthesis, structure, and properties of cross-linked polymers. His papers and books on Polymer Networks and Epoxy Resins were a main reference and an inspiration for researchers and students in polymer science and composite materials. Karel Dušek was at the front line when we decided to start our European Network of Excellence on Nanostructured Polymers NANOFUN-POLY (2004-2008) and he was one of the founders of the European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers started form NANOFUN-POLY in 2006.

We publish here some messages received from our ECNP members as a tribute to Karel’s memory:

We are losing a great scientist, who was always prepared to share his ideas with us, showing new directions in science. He was very active until the very last moment, enjoying interpretation of new experimental results and giving us valuable advice. His contribution to science was always very much appreciated by scientists both from industry and academia, reaching scientific community worldwide. Beside his unforgettable role in science, we will never forget him as a good friend always prepared to listen to us. I should also emphasize his importance during establishing ECNP, the organization we are benefiting from to this day. Our sense of loss will be shared by his colleagues, his former students and many friends.
Jiri Pfleger

We are very touched by these very sad news. Karel was the first "big" I met at the beginning of my research activities when he visited us in Naples and then, when I visited IMC for the first time in 1986. I was impressed by his scientific excellence and by his friendly approach. I was very happy and honoured to get Karel on board when we started NANOFUN-POLY and ECNP. My condolences to all the friends at IMC and in particular to Mirka. 
José M. Kenny

We share our sorrow with all our colleagues in Prague and at ECNP. Another of our masters, founders of modern polymer science, has passed away. We will remember Professor Karel Dušek not only as an excellent scientist, but also as an extremely gentle and friendly colleague.
Jacek Ulansky and coworkers

It is with great sadness that I learn of the death of Karel Dušek. It is indeed a very great scientist who is leaving us who had been at the initiative of the rich collaborations with our laboratory for more than 50 years. I was always very impressed by his scientific culture, his ability to integrate all the knowledge of the moment and his eagerness to launch new researches. But above all, Karel was a very dear friend to all the researchers at INSA. We will always remember his visits to Lyon and our meetings in Prague to exchange on our scientific works, of course, but also on the qualities of Southern Moravian and French wines. All the researchers of INSA Lyon send their very sincere condolences to Mirka in these difficult times.
Jean Francois Gerard

These are very sad news. Karel Dušek was a very good friend, always in good mood, full of ideas, and such a great character. And with no doubt an incredible scientist and a role model. I will miss him very much.
Brigitte Voit

It is very sad to learn about the death of Karel Dušek He was not only a great scientist and reference model in polymer science for many many years but he was also a very good friend. We will miss him very much. I send my condolence to Mirka.
Carmen Mijangos

There are really very sad news. Please give my condolences to his family and all the friends at IMC. A strong hug
José Luis Viviente

I am very sorry to learn that Karel passed away. I have nice memories of him and Mirka meeting them at various occasions – either at meetings, conferences, Prague, Ljubljana or elsewhere. He was not only an outstanding scientist, he certainly was a very friendly man with great charisma, helpful and encouraging. Let me express my and my colleagues' deepest sympathy to Mirka and colleagues at IMC.
Majda Zigon

We were very sorry to hear the sudden loss of Karel Dušek. Please convey to his family our deepest condolences and sympathy.
Costas Galiotis

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