
The European Center for Nanostructured Polymers invites you to join the following combined events which will be organized from November 7th to November 10th, 2011 in Lyon:

ECNP Training Workshop on 'Interfaces in Nanocomposites: What Can Be Learned from Fiber-Based Composites ? From Interface Chemistry to Micromechanics' which will be the way to merge the existing expertises on (micro)fibers such as glass, carbon, or natural fibers and their related composites and the actual research and development activities focused on nanocomposites. The programme is balanced between the two sides in order to highlight the similar approaches and methods as well as the specific features of each type of materials. Lecturers both from academy and industry will review the different steps of synthesis, production, modification and interface characterizations for each material type. Posters related to the workshop topics could be proposed.
This training workshop is organized in cooperation with the FP7 Project POCO.

Young Researchers Conference open to any contribution related to polymer science, i.e. from macromolecular synthesis to polymer processing and polymer physics. Each selected young researcher participant (PhDs, post-docs, young permanent scientists) will give a 20' minute presentation and could board additional posters during poster sessions.

Industrial Meeting which will join companies which supported the ECNP proposal to EC as well as any company representative interested in the ECNP activities (research, lab. capabilities, training, etc).

The language of the Short Course and the ECNP Training Workshop will be English.

The course will consist of formal lectures
