ECNP offers multidisciplinary research service

Excellent scientific expertise and consultations Services for innovation and for Technology Transfer Advanced experimental techniques with full analysis of data Using of Research Infrastructure (http://www.ecnp-eu.org/infrastructure.pdf)

Market Oriented Activities Network Oriented Activities
  1. Execution of research projects which are of industrial interest

  2. R&D Projects participation
    as partner in R&D projects developed by ECNP partners proposing and coordination of projects in the frame of EU-calls, management of these projects, aim to find individual funding and support for research lines of the ECNP partners;

  3. Training
    Organisation of courses and seminars targeted on industrial needs and interests;

  4. Communication
    organisation of events/meetings focused on nanostructured polymers, PR, newsletters, web-based platforms and website etc.;

  5. Specific services for industry
    Market analysis, technology transfer, project management, IPR, LCA, access to research infrastructure platform, etc.
  1. Scientific research
    Coordinated initiatives and integration of research lines developed by the ECNP partners;

  2. Education
    Provision and help with acquisition of PhD grants; organization of PhD courses and summer schools; master program in nanotechnology; student exchange between ECNP partners

  3. Researchers mobility
    ECNP supports mobility of researchers among the partners; organization of scientific conferences and workshops

  4. Sharing of Infrastructures
    ECNP coordinates sharing of facilities and infrastructures among the partners to optimize European research potential

  5. Valorisation of research results and competences
    IPR and technology transfer actions support and coordination, e.g. negotiation and contracting with industry; development of solutions for industrial innovation needs; support of spin-offs, structuring partnerships among ECNP partners

Industrial Workshop of the European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers (ECNP)

Dresden, November 7, 2012

ECNP is coordinating research, dissemination and technology transfer activities of renowned research institutions in Europe. It offers multidisciplinary research service for industry, like market-oriented services, participation in and/or execution of R&D projects, technical service (incl. LCA), education and training activities, researcher mobility and infrastructure sharing. With the current running EU-project ECNP-GROWTH the center will be even more consolidated in the European Research Area (ERA). The centre’s competences and offers for cooperations in the field of functional nanostructured polymers and composites will be presented during the workshop. Representatives from industry are invited to join this event.

The workshop is connected with the 10th IPF colloquium “Functional Polymers and Composites for Applications in Organics Electronics and Sensorics”, which starts on 7th Nov, 1 pm until 8th Nov afternoon (www.ipfdd.de/coll10).

The European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers (ECNP S.c.a.r.l.) is a non-profit, limited liability, Consortium Company formed by the "Nanostructured and Functional Polymer-Based Materials and Nanocomposites (Nanofun-Poly)" European Network of Excellence (European Commission, Directorate General Research, 6th Framework Programme). The high scientific level of quotaholders and the large scientific/industrial network make ECNP a unique organization in the field of nanostructured polymers.
