The conference registration fee covers:
- Admission to all conference sessions
- Welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches and conference banquet
- Conference materials including book of abstracts on a pen drive
Registration and payment until March 9, 2012:
Participants: CZK 10800
Students and young researchers (up to 2 years after PhD): CZK 6250
Registration and payment after March 9, 2012:
Participants: CZK 12000
Students and young researchers (up to 2 years after PhD): CZK 7500
Students and young researchers participating in the
three concurrent NANOFUN-POLY events organized during the week
23th-27th April - 5rd Young Researchers Conference, 9th ECNP Short
Course and 7th ECNP Conference - will be charged a reduced total
registration fee of CZK 9500 (CZK 12000 after March 1, 2012).
Instructions for registration and payment are given in this Conference
web-site. Actual exchange rate is 25 CZK / 1 EUR

Further information: Registration
and Fees or contact the Conference
Secretariat or call +420 261 174 301