The Course is organised, on behalf of the ECNP Board of Directors and MULTIHYBRIDS Education and Training Committee, by European Center of Nanostructured Polymers (ECNP)
Via G. Giusti, 9,
50121 Firenze, Italy
Scientific committee
Jose Maria Kenny - INSTM (
Phone +39 0744492939, Fax +39 0744492950
Giovanni Camino - INSTM (
Phone +39 0131229361, Fax +39 0131229331
Organising committee:
Sabine Danieli (
Phone +39 0552286104, Fax +39 0552276042
Daniela Tabuani (;
Phone +39 0131229330, Fax +39 0131229331
Andrea Terenzi (
Phone +39 0744492909, Fax +39 0744492950